
Four Indiana Ag Retailers Complete 4R Certification

印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会今天宣布,其四名成员通过4R营养管理计划认证取得了重要的里程碑. 该计划着眼于每个企业对实现一套严格的营养管理实践标准的承诺, which benefit the environment and their customers’ crop production and business goals. The certified locations are:

  • Crop Fertility Specialists in Rossville, Ind. – Year Three Certified
  • Helena in Berne, Ind. - Year Three Certified
  • The Andersons in Waterloo, Ind. - Year Three Certified
  • Advanced Agrilytics – Year One Certified

“4R营养管理计划依靠科学和经过验证的实践,使农民和我们的社会受益,” said ACI President & CEO Bruce Kettler. “这些印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会的成员是帮助他们的农民客户设定和实现生产目标的重要组成部分. 这些企业通过分享最新的环境管理实践,如4R,为社区带来价值.”


Agribusiness Council of Indiana Welcomes Bruce Kettler as President and CEO

印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会今天宣布,布鲁斯·凯勒将成为该组织的下一任总裁兼首席执行官. He will join ACI in early January.

Prior to joining ACI as president and CEO, 他曾担任印第安纳州农业部主任和印第安纳州经济发展公司农业综合企业发展部主任. 在这些角色中, Kettler focused on agricultural advocacy, economic development, youth development and environmental stewardship.


From the ACI Board of Directors: ACI President Amy Cornell to Step Down

With a mixture of sadness and gratitude, Agribusiness Council of Indiana’s board of directors announces that Amy Cornell, ACI总统, will step away from her role at the end of August. Amy joined ACI as president in in 2017. 

“在过去的五年里,作为ACI的主席为印第安纳州的农业综合企业服务是一种荣誉和鼓舞,康奈尔说. “我辞职的决定苦乐参半——我很高兴能开始新的挑战,开启我职业生涯的新篇章, but this organization is near and dear to my heart. 当我回首往事, I’m so proud of all that we’ve accomplished: the successful merger of several organizations to form ACI as we know it today; bringing the 4R Certification program to Indiana; increasing our clout at the Statehouse and creating the Women IN Agribusiness program, which has helped hundreds of women develop their leadership skills. 我将永远感激我在这个组织工作期间所建立的人际关系和友谊,以及使我们的工作成为可能的成员.”


Governor Holcomb Signed HEA 1483. 现在?

Governor Eric Holcomb signed HEA 1483 on April 29, 2021. Because an emergency was declared for the act the bill took effect upon the Governor's signature. What do you need to do now?

Begin Pricing Out Older DP 合同: 如果与粮食购买有关的延期定价协议是在7月1日前签订的, 2021, you must complete all payment obligations to farmers under the agreement before January 1, 2024.  After January 1, 2024, the agency can issue a monthly fine for non-compliance of this section.  


More Information on the Transition to Indiana's New OSW Permitting System

DOR想提醒你在周二美国东部时间晚上11:59之前在他们现有的系统中申请新的OSW许可证, 2月2日. 在那之后, 在新的印第安纳州超大/超重许可系统于周一上午生效之前,不会接受新的OSW许可证申请, 2月8日. You will have until 4 p.m. EST on Thursday, 2月ruary 4, to pay for and download permits previously applied for in our current system.

Additional Information 关于 Expired Permits and Penalties


OSHA Issues Updated COVID-19 Workplace Guidance

1月. 29, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued an updated "Guidance on Mitigating and Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in the Workplace." In a briefing on the new guidance, OSHA officials indicated that the updated guidance is in response to President Joe Biden’s Jan. 21 行政命令 指示该机构在COVID-19大流行期间向雇主发布修订后的工作场所安全指南.

新指南称,雇主应在工作场所实施COVID-19预防计划, including: conducting a hazard assessment; identifying a combination of measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace; adopting measures to ensure that workers who are infected or potentially infected are separated and sent home from the workplace; and implementing protections from retaliation for workers who raise COVID-19 related concerns.


Agribusiness Council of Indiana Partners with Crestcom International

Agribusiness Council of Indiana Partners with Crestcom International
ACI members now have access to internationally recognized leadership development programs

人们普遍认为,印第安纳州的农业综合企业今天面临的挑战比以往任何时候都多. Organizations must address uncertain markets and a global pandemic, while also providing their teams the skills to thrive in an ever-changing environment.


印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会向参议员Jean Leising和众议员Don Lehe颁发年度立法者奖

印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳州. -星期二, 11月17日, 印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会向参议员珍·莱辛颁发了首届年度议员奖, Senate Agriculture Committee chair, and Representative Don Lehe, House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee chair.

这个奖项 recognizes lawmakers who are champions of Indiana agribusiness. 


Agribusiness Council of Indiana Launches Indiana 4R Certification Program

印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳州. -印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会自豪地宣布启动印第安纳州4R营养管理认证计划. Four Indiana retail locations, which participated in the pilot audit, are the first locations in Indiana to become 4R Certified. The newly certified locations are:

  • Crop Fertility Specialists in Rossville, Ind.
  • Helena in Berne, Ind.
  • The Andersons in Waterloo, Ind.
  • White River Coop in Mitchell, Ind.

“三年多来,印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会一直在计划在印第安纳州实施4R认证计划,” said ACI President Amy Cornell. “我们非常感谢印第安纳州农业营养联盟的帮助,使这个项目得以实施, and to The Mosaic Company, 大自然保护协会和肥料研究所,感谢他们的指导和代表4R提供的慷慨赠款.”



Agribusiness Council of Indiana, in partnership with the Indiana Agriculture Nutrient Alliance, 自豪地宣布启动印第安纳州4R营养管理认证计划的试点审核. 印第安纳州的五家零售店目前正在参与试点审计,以确保该计划在正式启动时取得成功.

“Over the last three years, the Agribusiness Council of Indiana has been researching, 研究, 寻求意见,并与成员讨论在印第安纳州实施4R认证计划,” said ACI President Amy Cornell. “我们非常感谢印第安纳州农业营养联盟的帮助,使这个项目得以实施, and to The Mosaic Company, 大自然保护协会和肥料研究所代表4R提供了慷慨的赠款.”


Agribusiness Council of Indiana Presents Lifetime Achievement Award to Sonny Beck

周二, 9月1日, 印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会向桑尼·贝克颁发了首届终身成就奖, CEO of Beck’s Hybrids, 在贝克的领导下成为了美国最大的家族种子零售公司.

这个奖项, voted upon by ACI’s board of directors, recognizes significant and enduring contributions to Indiana agribusiness.



Congratulations to ACI board member Natalie 3月kle, who has been named president and CEO of The CISCO Companies. The CISCO Companies, 成立于1965年, is a family-owned business serving independent retailers across the Midwest. CISCO supplies over 2000 businesses with a wide range of products, 包括种子, lawn and garden supplies, agriculture goods, bird products and more.


ACI President Amy Cornell on the Implementation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement

ACI主席Amy Cornell就美国-墨西哥-加拿大协议(USMCA)的实施发表评论:

“ACI is grateful to President Trump, U.S. 贸易 Representative Robert Lighthizer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, 感谢参议院多数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔为确保北美市场保持开放和公平所做的努力.
